Ivine - Sponsor Now


Place Mogogosiek Baby Home

Age 8

Ivine’s mother died when she was eight months old leaving her in the hands of her father. At that time her father was working in a tea estate as a casual laborer so as to meet daily needs. After a while, he began taking alcohol due to frustration which led to the loss of his job.Ivine has nine siblings four brothers and five sisters, who have been distributed among the relatives. Ivine’sfather insists that he will remain with her so that he could care for her. Her father is a known alcoholic and she was not getting enough care in terms of basic needs which led to severe malnutrition. Ivine was admitted to Litein mission hospital where she has been hospitalized twice due to severe acute malnutrition. At first, she was treated and was discharged but came back after two weeks with a relapse of the same disease due to a lack of enough balanced diet. During the second admission she stayed in the hospital for almost two months. Local leaders where Ivine comes from requested that we rescue the child because of the situation that she was in at home. Doctors, Nurses and the Social worker of Litein Mission Hospital accompanied the child to our home, to tell us more about her because they had already visited her home and had seen the condition. Clinically she is stable and needs support in terms balance diet to improve her health.

September 2023